In Ramadhan fasting there is no malnutrition since there is no restriction on the type or the amount of food intake during iftar or sahur. Additional prayers are prescribed for after the dinner which increase the rate metabolism. Athar, S 2009 found that during tarawih the amount of calories burnt was about 200 calories. In solat, all muscles, bones and joints are involved and can be considered as a mild exercise in terms of caloric out put.
During fasting, the rate of peristaltic and segmentation movement are reduced to basal level. This is the only opportunity four our digestive system to take a partial break.
During iftar, it is advisable to take light and sweet food before taking regular heavy meal after the Maghrib prayer. The purpose behind it id not to burden our stomach with heavy and spicy food, and also to provide quick energy to our body.
There is an intricated control of glucose level in our body during fasting, so that its level remains normal during fasting. Following sahur blood glucose level increases. Insulin secretion by beta cells of the pancreas leads to glucose entry into cells. Excess glucose subsequently converted into glycogen. Thus, even after a heavy meal, a normal person does not suffer from hyperglycemia.
Fasting does not occur until the carbohydrate stores of the body begin to be used. In fasting, the initial lowering of blood glucose level stimulates the secretion of glucagon, the hormone secreted by alpha cells of the pancreas, which mobilises glycogen to glucose. Therefore, during fasting a person may not suffer from hypoglycemia.
In prolonged fasting, once the stores of the glucose run out, body fat will be used as the source of energy. Free fatty acids (FFA) are released into the blood stream and are used for energy. The use of fat helps in weight loss ans in the long run reduces cholesterol levels.
Weight loss helps in better control of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Fasting also detoxifies toxins stored in the body fat when fat is mobilized into FFA.
SOURCE : estidotmy.
NOTE : this copied and pasted article is not the complete article. I just took a few paragraphs. For the complete article, please kindly go to the link given.
salam mahabbah
salam ukhwah
lots of L♥VE
huhu... bagus info nie.. tapi harap niat sebanar berpuasa tak lari.... insyaallah... :P
Info yg menarik...
thanks for the info! smoga kte lebih menghargai bulan Ramadhan :)
to all :
sharing is caring... kadang2 kita tak sedar setiap apa Allah tentukan untuk kita patuhi memang ada hikmahnya.
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