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Friday, October 29, 2010

tomorrow is the day!!!

esok hari terakhir praktikal
sedih kah aku?
happy ke?


sedih nak tinggalkan kawan2 baru yang dah mula rapat.

happy sebab dah nak habis belajar.

apa2 pun gonna miss all the sweet things there!
nanti aku cerita pasal all the sweet things and wonderful people there
about the MLTs, students, Docs etc2...

untuk sapa2 staff HRPB yang baca ni, and kenal aku

THANX for everything =)

salam mahabbah
salam ukhwah

lots of L♥VE

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wah,,sama2,,,hehehe,,,mesti kenal punya,,,kekekeke,,,,